Submissions from 2005
The First One Hundred Years of Banking in North Carolina, Lissa Lamkin Broome
Installed Base Opportunism and the Scope of Intellectual Property Rights in Software Products, Andrew Chin
We Are Not Daubert State - But What Are We - Scientific Evidence in North Carolina after Howerton, John M. Conley and Scott W. Gaylord
Sex Offenders, Unlawful Combatants, and Preventive Detention, Michael Louis Corrado
Marilyn V. Yarbrough - She Was a Great Woman, Charles E. Daye
Judicial Selection by the Numbers, Michael J. Gerhardt
Merit v. Ideology, Michael J. Gerhardt
Prelude to Armageddon, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Constitutional Limits to Court-Stripping, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Limited Path Dependency of Precedent, Michael J. Gerhardt
Complexity Theory, Adaptation, and Administrative Law, Donald Thomas Hornstein
Ripple or Revolution? The Indeterminacy of Statutory Bankruptcy Reform, Melissa B. Jacoby
Rediscovering Vulgar Charity: A Historical Analysis of America's Tangled Nonprofit Law, Thomas A. Kelley III
Constitutional Law as Political Spoils, William P. Marshall
Crawford's Impact on Hearsay Statements in Domestic Violence and Child Sexual Abuse Cases, Robert P. Mosteller
Crawford v. Washington: Encouraging and Ensuring the Confrontation of Witnesses, Robert P. Mosteller
Testimonial and the Formalistic Definition -- The Case for an "Accusatorial" Fix, Robert P. Mosteller
A Penny for Their Thoughts: Draft Resistance at the Poston Relocation Center, Eric L. Muller
Foreword, Eric L. Muller
Restoring the Peers in the Bulwark: Blakely v. Washington and the Court's Jury Project, Richard E. Myers II
"The Race to the Bottom": Competition in the Law of Property, John V. Orth
Who Judges the Judges?, John V. Orth
The Federal Arbitration Act: Federal Preemption of State Law Regulating Arbitration, W. Mark C. Weidemaier
International Judicial Decisions, Domestic Courts, and the Foreign Affairs Power, A. Mark Weisburd
Submissions from 2004
Foreword: Acts of Capital Clemency: The Words and Deeds of Governor George Ryan, John Charles Boger
The Legal Giants that Propelled North Corolina Banks to National Prominence: Paul J. Polking, Marion A. Cowell, and Jerone C. Herring, Lissa L. Broome
You've Got to Be in it to Win It: Six Steps to Securing and Completing a Research Grant, Stephanie Burke, Kathryn Hensiak, and Donna L. Nixon
Antitrust Analysis in Software Product Markets: A First Principles Approach, Andrew Chin
Nelson Ferebee Taylor, Thomas Lee Hazen
Can Congress Use Its War Powers To Protect Military Employees from State Sovereign Immunity?, Jeffrey M. Hirsch
Negotiating Bankruptcy Legislation Through the News Media, Melissa B. Jacoby
The Bankruptcy Code at Twenty-Five and the Next Generation of Lawmaking, Melissa B. Jacoby
The Debtor-Patient: In Search of Non-Debt Alternatives, Melissa B. Jacoby
The Role of Librarians in Challenges to the USA PATRIOT Act, Anne Klinefelter
False Campaign Speech and the First Amendment, William P. Marshall
Separation, Neutrality, and Clergy Liability for Sexual Misconduct, William P. Marshall
The Empty Promise of Compassionate Conservatism: A Reply to Judge Wilkinson, William P. Marshall
The Limits on Congress's Authority to Investigate the President, William P. Marshall
Betrayal on Trial: Japanese-American Treason in World War II, Eric L. Muller
Intention in the Law of Property: The Law of Unintended Consequences, John V. Orth
Medical Research Oversight From the Corporate Governance Perspective: Comparing Institutional Review Boards and Corporate Boards, Richard S. Saver
Constitutional Drift: Toward the End of Federal Shop-Closing (Ladenschluss) Regulation, Craig T. Smith
International Service Under the Hague Convention, W. Mark C. Weidemaier
Service of Process and the Military, W. Mark C. Weidemaier
Submissions from 2003
Education's Perfect Storm - Racial Resegragation, High Stakes Testing, and School Resource Inequities: The Case of North Carolina, John Charles Boger
The Regulation of Contractual Change: A Guide to No Oral Modification Clauses for North Carolina Lawyers, Martin H. Brinkley
The International Law of Business Method Patents, John M. Conley
Federal Judicial Selection as War: Part III --The Role of Ideology, Michael J. Gerhardt
Judicial Selection as War, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Constitution Outside the Courts, Michael J. Gerhardt
Accounting for Science: The Independence of Public Research in the New Subterranean Administrative Law,, Donald Thomas Hornstein
Drug Wars in Black and White, Joseph E. Kennedy
A Conceptual Model of Health Care Fraud Enforcement, Joan H. Krause
Foreword: Federal-State Conflicts in Health Care, Joan H. Krause
Admissibility of Fruits of Breached Evidentiary Privileges: The Importance of Adversarial Fairness, Party Culpability, and Fear of Immunity, Robert P. Mosteller
New Dimensions in Sentencing Reform in the Twenty-First Century, Robert P. Mosteller
Victim Impact Evidence: Hard to Find the Real Rules, Robert P. Mosteller
Inference or Impact? Racial Profiling and the Internment's True Legacy, Eric L. Muller
From North Carolina to KwaZulu Natal: World Library Partnership, Donna L. Nixon
Night Thoughts: Reflections on the Debate Concerning Same-Sex Marriage, John V. Orth
Sale of Defective Houses: Cicero and the Moral Choice, John V. Orth
More Disagreement Over Human Dignity: The Federal Constitutional Court's Most Recent Benetton Advertising Decision, Craig T. Smith
New Transatlantic Tension and the Kagan Phenomenon: A Primer, Craig T. Smith
Works from 2002
Framing the Inquiry: The Social Impact of Project Finance, Lissa Lamkin Broome
Crisis and Constitutionalism, Michael J. Gerhardt
Supreme Court Selection as War, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Lives of John Marshall, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Rhetoric of Judicial Critique: From Judicial Restraint to the Virtual Bill of Rights, Michael J. Gerhardt
Silencing the Shareholders' Voice, Thomas Lee Hazen
Foreclosing on Fame: Exploring the Uncharted Boundaries of the Right of Publicity, Melissa B. Jacoby and Diane Leenheer Zimmerman
Foreword: The Promise and Peril of Biotechnology, Joan H. Krause
The Limits of Secularism: Public Religious Expression in Moments of National Crisis and Tragedy, William P. Marshall
The Maturation and Disintegration of the Hearsay Exception for Statements for Medical Examination in Child Sexual Abuse Cases, Robert P. Mosteller
Law as Largess: Shifting Paradigms of Law for the Poor, Deborah M. Weissman
Works from 2001
The Emerging Law of Race and Student Assignment Plans, John Charles Boger and Elizabeth Jean Bower
The Future of Educational Diversity: Old Decrees, New Challenges, John Charles Boger and Elizabeth Jean Bower
Powers of Administrative Law Judges, Agencies, and Courts: An Analytical and Empirical Assessment, Charles E. Daye
Impeachment Defanged and Other Institutional Ramifications of the Clinton Scandals, Michael J. Gerhardt
Norm Theory and the Future of the Federal Appointments Process, Michael J. Gerhardt
Rethinking the Debates Over Health Care Financing: Evidence From the Bankruptcy Courts, Melissa B. Jacoby, Teresa A. Sullivan, and Elizabeth Warren
Will the First Sale Doctrine Disappear?, Anne Klinefelter
The Supreme Court, Bush v. Gore, and Rough Justice, William P. Marshall
Cowboy Prosecutors and Subpoenas for Incriminating Evidence: The Consequences and Correction of Excess, Robert P. Mosteller
Apologies or Apologisits? Remembering the Japanese American Internment in Wyoming, Eric L. Muller
Bill Aycock and the North Carolina Speaker Ban Law, Gene R. Nichol
The Impossibility of Lujan's Project, Gene R. Nichol
Customary International Law and Torture: The Case of India, A. Mark Weisburd
Gender Based Violence as Judicial Anomaly: Between "The Truly National and the Truly Local", Deborah M. Weissman
Submissions from 2000
Willful Colorblindness: The New Racial Piety and the Resegregation of Public Schools, John Charles Boger
A Dues Paying Member of Humanity, Martin H. Brinkley
Privacy, Cyberspace, and Democracy: A Case Study, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Historical and Constitutional Significance of the Impeachment and Trial of President Clinton, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Special Constitutional Structure of the Federal Impeachment Process, Michael J. Gerhardt
States Begin to Adopt UCITA–Model Legislation for Licensing, Anne Klinefelter
The Culture of Belief and the Politics of Religion, William P. Marshall
What Is the Matter With Equality?: An Assessment of the Equal Treatment of Religion and Non-religion in First Amendment Jurisprudence, William P. Marshall
State Immunity, Political Accountability, and Alden v. Maine, William P. Marshall and Jason S. Cowart
With Disdain for the Constitutional Craft: The Proposed Victims' Rights Amendment, Robert P. Mosteller and H. Jefferson Powell
Taking Economic Equality Off the Table, Gene R. Nichol
Confusion Worse Confounded: The North Carolina Residential Rental Agreements Act, John V. Orth