Works from 2016
Keynote Remarks: Academic Activism and Freedom of Speech, Gene Nichol
The Past is Never Dead: Magna Carta in North Carolina, John V. Orth
The Rule of Law, John V. Orth
Revisiting the Taxation of Fringe Benefits, Jay A. Soled and Kathleen DeLaney Thomas
Contract Law and Ukraine's $3 Billion Debt to Russia, W. Mark C. Weidemaier
Blurred Lines: Public School Reforms and the Privatization of Public Education, Erika K. Wilson
The New School Segregation, Erika K. Wilson
Works from 2015
Privacy and Court Records: An Empirical Study, David S. Ardia and Anne Klinefelter
Post-Sentencing Appellate Waivers, Kevin Bennardo
Testing the Geographical Proximity Hypothesis: An Empirical Study of Citations to Nonbinding Precedents by Indiana Appellate Courts, Kevin Bennardo
William J. Turnier: UNC Law Colleague, 1973-2014, John Charles Boger
"Great and Truly Public": Carolina Law's Twenty-First Century Challenge, Martin H. Brinkley
Ghost in the "New Machine": How Alice Exposed Software Patenting's Category Mistake, Andrew Chin
Branding Identity, Kate Sablosky Elengold
The Politics of Early Justice, Federal Judicial Selection, 1789-1861, Michael J. Gerhardt and Michael Ashley Stein
EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch: Mistakes, Same-Sex Marriage, and Unintended Consequences, Jeffrey M. Hirsch
NLRB Elections: Ambush or Anticlimax?, Jeffrey M. Hirsch
Worker Collective Action in the Digital Age, Jeffrey M. Hirsch
Superdelegation and Gatekeeping in Bankruptcy Courts, Melissa B. Jacoby
North Carolina Charter Schools' (Non-?) Compliance with State and Federal Nonprofit Law, Thomas A. Kelley III
Immigration Separation of Powers and the President's Power to Preempt, Catherine Y. Kim
Presidential Control Across Policymaking Tools, Catherine Y. Kim
Privacy and Competing Library Goals: How Can Library Directors Lead When Values Collide?, Anne Klinefelter
Off-Label Drug Promotion and the Ephemeral Line Between Marketing and Education, Joan H. Krause
In Appreciation: Dean Jack Boger, Robert P. Mosteller
Pernicious Inferences: Double Counting and Perception and Evaluation Biases In Criminal Cases, Robert P. Mosteller
The Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics and the Moral Formation of Lawyers, Eric L. Muller
Interest Follows Principal: Why North Carolina Should Pay Interest on Unclaimed Personal Property, John V. Orth
The Strange Career of the Common Law in North Carolina, John V. Orth
"Without Precedential Value" -- When the Justices of the Supreme Court of North Carolina are Equally Divided, John V. Orth
Taxing Compensatory Stock Rights Transferred in Divorce, Gregg Polsky and Kathleen DeLaney Thomas
The Prioritization of Criminal Over Civil Counsel and the Discounted Danger of Private Power, Kathryn A. Sabbeth
Zeal on Behalf of Vulnerable Clients, Kathryn A. Sabbeth
The Psychic Cost of Tax Evasion, Kathleen DeLaney Thomas
Customized Procedure in Theory and Reality, W. Mark C. Weidemaier
The Politics of Narrative: Law and the Representation of Mexican Criminality, Deborah Weissman
Rethinking a New Domestic Violence Pedagogy, Deborah M. Weissman
Gentrification and Urban Public School Reforms: The Interest Divergence Dilemma, Erika K. Wilson
Works from 2014
Report of the AALS Committee on Libraries and Technology, Subcommittee on Law Library Reporting Structures, AALS Committee on Libraries and Technology, Subcommittee on Law Library Reporting Structures; Anne Klinefelter; Kay L. Andrus; JoAnne A. Epps; Frank Liu; Susan Nevelow-Mart; and Spencer Simons
Incarceration's Incapacitative Shortcomings, Kevin Bennardo
Harry Edward Groves, Late Emeritus Henry Brandis Professor of Law: In Memoriam, John Charles Boger
J. Dickson Phillips Jr.: Preparation for Judicial Excellence, John Charles Boger
Effective Compliance Risk Management in a Rapidly Changing Regulatory Environment: A Conversation from the Clearinghouse Annual Conference, Lissa L. Broome, Richard Neiman, Sally Belshaw, and Tim Clark
Myriad after Myriad: The Proprietary Data Dilemma, John M. Conley, Robert Cook-Deegan, and Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz
Rethinking Judgements Reciprocity, John F. Coyle
Comparative Wrongful Dismissal Law: Reassessing American Exceptionalism, Samuel Estreicher and Jeffrey M. Hirsch
Insurance at the Energy-Water Nexus, Donald Thomas Hornstein
The Detroit Bankruptcy, Pre-Eligibility, Melissa B. Jacoby
Ice Cube Bonds: Allocating the Price of Process in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Melissa B. Jacoby and Edward J. Janger
Diversity, Democracy and White Racial Identity: Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Osamudia James
Opt-Out Education: School Choice as Racial Subordination, Osamudia James
White Like Me: The Negative Impact of the Diversity Rationale on White Identity Formation, Osamudia James
Health Care Decisions in the New Era of Health Care Reform: An Overview, Joan H. Krause and Richard S. Saver
An Introduction to Intragroup Dissent and Its Legal Implications, Holning S. Lau
A Gathering of Eagles, John V. Orth
Capital Defenders as Outsider Lawyers, Kathryn A. Sabbeth
What's Money Got to Do With It?: Public Interest Lawyering and Profit, Kathryn A. Sabbeth
The Promise and Perils of Massive Open Online Courses, Leslie Street and Sara Sampson
Indiana Jones: Contracts Originalist, W. Mark C. Weidemaier
Sovereign Immunity and Sovereign Debt, W. Mark C. Weidemaier
Injunctions in Sovereign Debt Litigation, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Anna Gelpern
Remaking Mexico: Law Reform as Public Policy, Deborah M. Weissman
The Politics of Pretext: VAWA Goes Global, Deborah M. Weissman
Toward a Theory of Equitable Federated Regionalism in Public Education, Erika K. Wilson
Works from 2013
Freedom of Speech, Defamation, and Injunctions, David S. Ardia
A Quantity-Driven Solution to Aggregate Grouping Under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual, Kevin Bennardo
Julius Levonne Chambers, Class of 1962: In Memoriam, John Charles Boger
Domestic Bank Regulation in a Global Environment - A Comparative Dialogue, Lissa Broome, Michael Helfer, Cyrus Amir-Mokri, and Chris Brummer
Alappat Redux: Support for Functional Language in Software Patent Claims, Andrew Chin
Promoting Language Access in the Legal Academy, Gillian Dutton, Beth Lyon, Jayesh M. Rathod, and Deborah M. Weissman
School-Based Legal Services as a Tool in Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline and Achieving Educational Equity, Barbara A. Fedders and Jason Langberg
School Discipline Reform: Incorporating the Supreme Court's "Age Matters" Jurisprudence, Barbara A. Fedders and Jason Langberg
On Candor, Free Enterprise Fund, and the Theory of the Unitary Executive, Michael J. Gerhardt
Why Gridlock Matters, Michael J. Gerhardt
Educational Fair Use Brief in Support of Georgia State University on Behalf of Amici Curiae Academic Authors and Legal Scholars, David Hansen, Peter Jazsi, Pamela Samuelson, Jason Schultz, and Rebecca Tushnet
The Balkanization of CAT Property Insurance: Financing and Fragmentation in Storm Risks, Donald Thomas Hornstein
Juries for Juveniles, Joseph E. Kennedy
Changed Circumstances: The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Future of Institutional Reform Litigation After Horne v. Flores, Catherine Y. Kim
The Danger of Difference: Tensions in Directors' Views of Corporate Board Diversity, Kimberly D. Krawiec, John M. Conley, and Lissa Lamkin Broome
Beyond Our Hearts: The Ecology of Couple Relationships, Holning S. Lau
Law, Sexuality, and Transnational Perspectives, Holning S. Lau
Abstention, Separation of Powers, and Recasting the Meaning of Judicial Restraint, William P. Marshall
The Constitutionality of Campaign Finance Regulation: Should Differences in a State's Political History and Culture Matter?, William P. Marshall
The Lautsi Decision and the American Establishment Clause Experience: A Response to Professor Weiler, William P. Marshall
Potential Innocence: Making the Most of a Bleak Environment for Public Support of Indigent Defense, Robert P. Mosteller
The Sixth Amendment Rights to Fairness: The Touchstones of Effectiveness and Pragmatism, Robert P. Mosteller
Escaping the Malthusian Trap: Dynasty Trusts for Serious Dynasts, John V. Orth
North Carolina Bids Goodbye (Again) to the Rule in Dumpor's Case, John V. Orth
Then and Now in the Law of Property, John V. Orth
The Release of Energy': Reflections on a Legal History Trope, John V. Orth
Sexual Orientation-Based Violence in Hong Kong, Rebecca L. Stotzer and Holning S. Lau
A People's History of Collective Action Clauses, W. Mark C. Weidemaier and Mitu Gulati
Sovereign Debt after NML v. Argentina, W. M. C. Weidemaier
Law, Social Movements, and the Political Economy of Domestic Violence, Deborah M. Weissman
Trends in The Social [Ir]responsibility of American Multinational Corporations: Increased Power, Diminished Accountability, Cynthia A. Williams and John M. Conley
Works from 2012
The Elusive "Marketplace" in Post-Bilski Jurisprudence, Andrew Chin
The Ontological Function of the Patent Document, Andrew Chin
Differential Privacy as a Response to the Reidentification Threat: The Facebook Advertiser Case Study, Andrew Chin and Anne Klinefelter
The Family and the Market -- Redux, Maxine Eichner