Submissions from 1983
Standing on the Constitution: The Supreme Court and Valley Forge, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Forever Separate and Distinct: Separation of Powers in North Carolina, John V. Orth
Submissions from 1982
Allocation of Jurisdiction between the State and Federal Courts for Private Remedies under the Federal Securities Laws, Thomas Lee Hazen
Establishment Clause Standing: The Not Very Revolutionary Decision at Valley Forge, William P. Marshall and Maripat Flood
Submissions from 1981
The Eleventh Amendment and the North Carolina State Debt, John V. Orth
Works from 1980
Corporate Mismanagement and the Securities Act's Antifraud Provisions: A Familiar Path With Some New Detours, Thomas Lee Hazen
Village of Schaumberg v. Citizens for a Better Environment and Religious Solicitation: Freedom of Speech and Freedom or Religion Converge, William P. Marshall
Works from 1979
The Decision to Incorporate, Thomas Lee Hazen
Models of Corporate Conduct: From the Government Dominated Corporation to the Corporate Dominated Government, Thomas Lee Hazen and Bren L. Buckley
Works from 1977
Transfers of Corporate Control and Duties of Controlling Shareholders -- Common Law, Tender Offers, Investment Companies -- And a Proposal for Reform, Thomas Lee Hazen
Submissions from 1976
The Federal Tort Claims Act Intentional Torts Amendment: An Interpretative Analysis, John Charles Boger, Mark Gitenstein, and Paul R. Verkuil
An Examination of Congressional Powers Under Section 5 of the 14th Amendment, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Submissions from 1975
North Carolina's New Administrative Procedure Act: An Interpretive Analysis, Charles E. Daye
The New Pragmatism under Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act, Thomas L. Hazen