Works from 2000
History and the Eleventh Amendment, John V. Orth
International Courts and American Courts, A. Mark Weisburd
Then and Now - Changes in Public International Law over the Life of the Journal, A. Mark Weisburd
Addressing Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities, Deborah M. Weissman
Between Principles and Practice: The Need for Certified Court Interpreters in North Carolina, Deborah M. Weissman
Submissions from 1999
In Appreciation: Judith Welch Wegner, Lissa Lamkin Broome
Database Protection in a Digital World, Mary Maureen Brown, Robert M. Bryan, and John M. Conley
Spoiling the Surprise: Constraints Facing Random Regulatory Inspections in Japan and the United States, Andrew Chin
Institutional Analysis of Municipal Liability Under Section 1983, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Constitutionality of Censure, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Lessons of Impeachment History, Michael J. Gerhardt
Environmental Sustainability and Environmental Justice at the International Level: Traces of Tension and Traces of Synergy, Donald Thomas Hornstein
Self-Interest, Politics, and the Environment: A Response to Professor Schroeder, Donald Thomas Hornstein
Members’ Briefing: Licensing, Anne Klinefelter
The Role of the States in Combating Managed Care Fraud and Abuse, Joan H. Krause
The Unnecessary Victims' Rights Amendment, Robert P. Mosteller
Works from 1998
Chancellor Kent and the Search for the Elements of Impeachable Offenses, Michael J. Gerhardt
Labor Law Obstacles to the Collective Negotiation and Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans: A Response to Henry Hansmann and Other "Survivalists", Jeffrey M. Hirsch
Victims' Rights and the Constitution: Moving from Guaranteeing Participatory Rights to Benefiting the Prosecution, Robert P. Mosteller
Hang on to Your Hats! Terry Into the Twenty-First Century, Eric L. Muller
Works from 1997
Accurate Calculation of Short-Swing Profits Under Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Andrew Chin
Introduction (Symposium: Presidential Power in the Twenty-First Century), Michael J. Gerhardt
Putting Presidential Performance in the Federal Appointments Process in Perspective, Michael J. Gerhardt
Private Financing of Criminal Prosecutions and the Differing Protections of Liberty and Equality in the Criminal Justice System, Joseph E. Kennedy
Moderating Investigative Lies By Disclosure and Documentation, Robert P. Mosteller
Tenancy by the Entirety: The Strange Career of the Common-Law Marital Estate, John V. Orth
Why the North Carolina Court of Appeals Should Have a Procedure for Sitting En Banc, John V. Orth
Works from 1996
1996-97 Supreme Court Preview: Mock Arguments in Clinton v. Jones, Michael J. Gerhardt and Rodney A. Smolla
Syndromes and Politics in Criminal Trials and Evidence Law, Robert P. Mosteller
Critical Care Research and Informed Consent, Richard S. Saver
The Effect of Treaties and Other Formal International Acts on the Customary Law of Human Rights, Arthur M. Weisburd
Submissions from 1995
(Sesquicentennial) Dedication, Martin H. Brinkley
(Sesquicentennial) Prophets in Reverse, Martin H. Brinkley
(Sesquicentennial) The North Carolina Law Review at Threescore and Ten, Martin H. Brinkley
The 1995 National Asian American Studies Examination in U.S. High Schools, Andrew Chin
(Sesquicentennial) African-American and Other Minority Law Students and Alumni, Charles E. Daye
1995-96 Supreme Court Preview: Mock Arguments in Romer v. Evans, Michael J. Gerhardt and Tracey Maclin
Federalization: A Critical Overview, William P. Marshall
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act: Establishment, Equal Protection and Free Speech Concerns, William P. Marshall
Russell v. Hill (N.C. 1899) Misunderstood Lessons, John V. Orth
The Emptiness of the Concept of Jus Cogens as Illustrated by the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina, A. Mark Weisburd
Works from 1994
Rediscovering Nonjusticiability: Judicial Review of Impeachments After Nixon, Michael J. Gerhardt
Truth and the Religion Clauses, William P. Marshall
Truth about Justice Iredell's Dissent in Chisholm v. Georgia (1793), John V. Orth
Submissions from 1993
Race and the American City: The Kerner Commission in Retrospect-An Introduction, John Charles Boger
Toward Ending Residential Segregation: A Fair Share Proposal for the Next Reconstruction, John Charles Boger
Redistributing Bank Insolvency Risks: Challenges to Limited Liability in the Bank Holding Company Structure, Lissa Lamkin Broome
Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the Ethnographic Study of Law, John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr
The Pressure of Precedent: A Critique of the Conservative Approaches to Stare Decisis in Abortion Cases, Michael J. Gerhardt
Lessons from Federal Pesticide Regulation on the Paradigms and Politics of Environmental Law Reform, Donald Thomas Hornstein
The Inequality of Anti-Establishment, William P. Marshall
Remaking Confrontation Clause and Hearsay Doctrine Under the Challenge of Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions, Robert P. Mosteller
Justice Scalia, Standing, and Public Law Litigation, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Submissions from 1992
The Place of Formalism in Legal Theory, Michael Corrado
Divided Justice: A Commentary on the Nomination and Confirmation of Justice Thomas, Michael J. Gerhardt
Is the Constitutional Concern with Religious Involvement in the Public Square Hostility?, William P. Marshall
Child Abuse Reporting Laws and Attorney-Client Confidences: The Reality and the Specter of Lawyer as Informant, Robert P. Mosteller
The Left, the Right, and Certainty in Constitutional Law, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
North Carolina Constitutional History, John V. Orth
Submissions from 1991
Close Corporation Stock As a Security under Uniform Commercial Code Article 8: North Carolina Embraces the Statute of Frauds in Stancil v. Stancil, Martin H. Brinkley
Despoiling the Spoils: Rutan v. Republican Party of Illinois, Martin H. Brinkley
Private Market Solutions to the Savings and Loan Crisis: Bank Holding Company Acquisitions of Savings Associations, Lissa Lamkin Broome
On the Retirement of N. Ferebee Taylor, Thomas Lee Hazen
The Short-Term/Long-Term Dichotomy and Investment Theory: Implications for Securities Market Regulation and for Corporate Law, Thomas Lee Hazen
United States v. Chestman -- Trading in Securities on the Basis of Nonpublic Information in Advance of a Tender Offer, Thomas Lee Hazen
Accutane: Has Drug Regulation in the United States Reached its Limits?, Joan H. Krause
In Defense of Smith and Free Exercise Revisionism, William P. Marshall
The Concept of Offensiveness in Establishment and Free Exercise Jurisprudence, William P. Marshall
Fundamental Principles in North Carolina Constitutional History, John V. Orth
Thinking about Law Historically: Why Bother, John V. Orth
Submissions from 1990
The Corporate Persona, Contract (and Market) Failure, and Moral Values, Thomas Lee Hazen
The Eleventh Amendment, Process Federalism and the Clear Statement Rule, William P. Marshall
Exchange on the Eleventh Amendment, Calvin R. Massey, William P. Marshall, Lawrence C. Marshall, and William A. Fletcher
The Joint Tenancy Makes a Comeback in North Carolina, John V. Orth
Submissions from 1989
The Influence of Enhanced Thrift Institution Powers on Commercial Bank Market Expansion, Lissa Lamkin Broome
The Case Against the Constitutionally Compelled Free Exercise Exemption, William P. Marshall
Child Sexual Abuse and Statements for the Purpose of Medical Diagnosis or Treatment, Robert P. Mosteller
Requiem for the Rule in Shelley's Case, John V. Orth
Works from 1988
The Dilution of the First Amendment and the Equality of Ideas, William P. Marshall
The American Constitutional Tradition of Shared and Separated Powers (Introduction), Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Works from 1987
Payments on Long-Term Debt as Voidable Preferences: The Impact of the 1984 Bankruptcy Amendments, Lissa Lamkin Broome
Leveraged Buyouts and Tax Policy, Patricia L. Bryan
Corporate Directors' Accountability: The Race to the Bottom-The Second Lap, Thomas Lee Hazen
Rumor Control and Disclosure of Merger Negotiations or Other Control Related Transactions: Full Disclosure or "No Comment" -- The Only Safe Harbors, Thomas Lee Hazen
Simplifying Subpoena Law: Taking the Fifth Amendment Seriously, Robert P. Mosteller
1787: The Constitution in Perspective (Introduction), Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Commentary on Law: Wallowing in Intention, Gene R. Nichol
Dialectical Federalism: A Tribute to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, Gene R. Nichol
Federalism, State Courts, and Section 1983, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Ripeness and the Constitution, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Works from 1986
Unprecedential Analysis and Original Intent, William P. Marshall
Discovery Against the Defense: Tilting the Adversarial Balance, Robert P. Mosteller
Injury and the Disintegration of Article III, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Religion and the State (Introduction), Gene R. Nichol
Works from 1985
The "Facts" of Federal Subject Matter Jurisdiction, William P. Marshall
Territorial Authority and Personal Jurisdiction, Arthur M. Weisburd
Works from 1984
Simulation of Legal Analysis and Instruction on the Computer, Thomas Lee Hazen and Margaret M. Hazen
Rethinking Standing, Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Submissions from 1983
Taking Stock of Stock and the Sale of Closely Held Corporations: When Is Stock Not a Security, Thomas Lee Hazen