North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Online Issue
Oracle v. Google: Setting a Standard or Handicapping an Industry?
Tyler J. Demaskey
Is This Going to Be on the Test? Reconciling the Four-Way Circuit Split over Handling Nominative Fair Use
Christian Ferlan
Algorithmic Injustice: How the Wisconsin Supreme Court Failed to Protect Due Process Rights in State v. Loomis
Katherine Freeman
Cashing Out: How Big Pharma Continues to Capitalize on the Antitrust Loophole Created in FTC v. Actavis
Laura A. Gregory
Trial to Perdition: the Ninth Circuit’s “Emission” Omission Disposition
Jordan Luebekemann
The Security and Privacy In Your Car Act: Will It Actually Protect You?
Benjamin L. Bollinger
Bitcoin: Breaking Bad or Breaking Barriers?
Christopher Burks
More Sense than Money: National Charter Option for FinTech Firms is the Right Choice
J. Parker Murphy