North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Volume 17, Issue 5 (2016) Online Issue
#CanHashtagsBeTrademarked: Trademark Law and the Development of Hashtags
Elizabeth A. Falconer
The Destiny of Clean Energy: Legality of the EPA's Clean Power Plan with Respect to Emissions Trading
Samuel H. Helton
Telemedicine: A Therapeutic Prescription for Our Healthcare System Contaminated by Old Economy Rules and Regulations
Caroline M. Poma
Gucci v. Alibaba: A Balanced Approach to Secondary Liability for E-Commerce Platforms
Esther A. Zuccaro
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act: Does the Act Let the Government Snoop Through Your Emails and Will It Continue?
Brittany Brattain
LegalZoom: Closing the Justice Gap or Unauthorized Practice of Law?
Caroline E. Brown
Is Fair Use Actually Fair? Analyzing Fair Use and the Potential For Compulsory Licensing in Authors Guild v. Google
Varsha Mangal