North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Volume 12, Issue 3 (2010) Online Issue
The United States Cyber Command: International Restrictions vs. Manifest Destiny
Tod Leaven and Christopher Dodge
EBay becomes a Girl's New Best Friend as the Second Circuit Sidesteps the Nominative Fair use Doctrine, Leaving Tiffany to Police Counterfeits in the Online Marketplace
Lisa Williford Arthur
Climbing in Our Windows & Snatching Our Likenesses up: Viral Videos & the Scope of the Right of Publicity on the Internet
Lorelle A. Babwah
Sherley v. Sebelius: A Call to Congress to Explicitly Support Medical Research on Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Layla Cummings
Patient Consent to Health Information Technology: Safeguarding Patients' Records and Confidences
Varsha D. Gadani
Proving Patent Damages is Getting Harder, but Establishing Patent Invalidity May be Getting Easier - How I4I, L.P. v. Microsoft Corp. may Change the Landscape of Patent Litigation
Audra Dial and Betsy Neal
The Espionage Act and Today's High-Tech Terrorist
Jamie L. Hester