North Carolina Banking Institute
Volume 6, Issue 1 (2002)
Title Page
North Carolina Banking Institute
Table of Contents
North Carolina Banking Institute
Deposit Accounts under the New World Order
Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger, David Line Batty, and Richard K. Brown
Federal Banking Agencies' Guidance on Subprime Lending: Regulation with a Divided Mind
Joseph A. Smith Jr.
Privacy Rights v. Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement
Robert S. Pasley
Does the Term Bank Broker-Dealer Still Have Meaning
Alan E. Sorcher and Satish M. Kini
Confidentiality of Communications by In-House Counsel for Financial Institutions
Janet J. Higley, Robert C. Jones Jr., and Peter C. Buck
First Union v. SunTrust Banks: The Fight for Wachovia and Its Impact on North Carolina Corporate Law
Lijun K. Yang
The North Carolina Business Court: North Carolina's Special Superior Court for Complex Business Cases
Carrie A. O'Brien
The Great Turf War of the New Millennium: Can Banks Engage in Real Estate Brokerage and Management Activities
Harrison K. Bishop
State Usury Laws: Are They Effective in a Post-GLBA World
Amanda Katherine Hill Sadie
Increased Federal Deposit Insurance Coverage: At What Cost
Nancy J. Coppola
State v. National Banks: The Battle over Examination Fees
Connie Edwards Josey
Universal Charter Options: Providing a Competitive Advantage for State Financial Institutions
Katherine E. Howell-Best
Government Sponsored Enterprises: A Discussion of the Federal Subsidy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Bradley K. Krehely
The Post-Green Tree Evidentiary Standard for Invalidating Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Lending Contracts: How Much Justice Can You Afford
Jason Bradley Kay
Can't Get Money for Nothing: An Analysis of ATM Surcharge Ban Demand
Ginger Ann Bagley
The Consumer Response to Privacy Provisions in Gramm-Leach-Bliley: Much Ado about Nothing
Eric Poggemiller
Online Transactions: Squaring the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Privacy Provisions with the FTC Fair Information Practice Principles
David Annecharico