North Carolina Law Review
Volume 86, Number 4 (2008)
Front Matter
Table of Contents - Issue 4
North Carolina Law Review
The Failure of Title VII as a Rights-Claiming System
Deborah L. Brake and Joanna L. Grossman
Removed Cases and Uninvoked Jurisdictional Grounds
Jeannette Cox
Historical (In)Accuracy of the Brandeis Dichotomy: An Assessment of the Two-Tiered Standard of Stare Decisis for Supreme Court Precedents
Lee J. Strang and Bryce G. Poole
The Illusion of Substance: Why Rapanos v. United States and Its Resulting Regulatory Guidance Do Not Significantly Limit Federal Regulation of Wetlands
Samuel P. Bickett
Between War and Peace: Exploring the Constitutionality of Subjecting Private Civilian Contractors to the Uniform Code of Military Justice during Contingency Operations
Cara-Ann M. Hamaguchi