North Carolina Law Review
Volume 80, Number 4 (2002) Baker v. Carr: A Commemorative Symposium
Front Matter
Table of Contents--Issue 4
North Carolina Law Review
Constitutional Pluralism and Democractic Politics: Reflections on the Interpretive Approach of Baker v. Carr
Guy-Uriel E. Charles
Judicial Review and the Political Question Doctrine: Reviving the Federalist Rebuttable Presumption Analysis
Robert J. Pushaw Jr.
One Person, One Vote and the Possibility of Political Community
James A. Gardner
One Person, One Vote: A Mantra in Need of Meaning
Sanford Levinson
The Complicated Impact of One Person, Onte Vote on Political Competition and Representation
Nathaniel Persily, Thad Kousser, and Patrick Egan
Baker's Promise, Equal Protection, and the Modern Redistricting Revolution: A Plea for Rationality
Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
The Benefits of Judicially Unmanageable Standards in Election Cases under the Equal Protection Clause
Richard L. Hasen
The Limits of Being Present at the Creation
Roy A. Schotland
Baker v. Carr: A Commemorative Symposium: Introduction
North Carolina Law Review