North Carolina Law Review
Volume 79, Number 5 (2001)
Front Matter
Table of Contents--Issue 5
North Carolina Law Review
Title Page
North Carolina Law Review
Table of Contents
North Carolina Law Review
Making the Voting Rights Act Relevant to the Demographics of America: A Reponse to Farrell and Johnson
Leo F. Estrada
Redistricting in North Carolina--A Personal Perspective
Robinson O. Everett
Nothing Personal: The Evolution of the Newest Equal Protection from Shaw v. Reno to Bush v. Gore
Pamela S. Karlan
Of Minority Representation, Multiple-Race Responses, and Melting Pots: Redistricting in the New America
Melissa L. Saunders
A Functional Analysis of Potential Voting Rights Act Liability May Demonstrate that the Intentional Creation of Black Remedial Districts Cannot be Justifed
Katharine Inglis Butler
Race and Money in Politics
Terry Smith
Race and Campaign Finance Reform
Samuel Issacharoff
Campaign Finance, Race, and Equality
Daniel H. Lowenstein
Voices from the Past: Race, Privilege, and Campaign Finance
Spencer Overton
Foreword: Democracy in a New America
Julius Chambers
Minority Political Participation in the New Millennium: The New Demographics and the Voting Rights Act
Walter C. Farrell Jr. and James H. Johnson Jr.
Drawing Effective Miority Districts: A Conceptual Framework and Some Empirical Evidence
Bernard Grofman, Lisa Handley, and David Lublin
Democracy in a New America: Some Reflections on a Title
Sanford Levinson