North Carolina Law Review
Volume 76, Number 5 (1998)
Front Matter
Table of Contents--Issue 5
North Carolina Law Review
Taking Critical Tax Theory Seriously
Lawrence Zelenak
Through the Looking Glass with Alice and Larry: The Nature of Scholarship
Marjorie E. Kornhauser
William C. Whitford
Whose Pension Is It Anyway - Protecting Spousal Rights in a Privatized Social Security System
Jonathan Barry Forman
A Critical Evaluation of the Tax Crits
James D. Bryce
Critical Theory and the Loneliness of the Tax Prof
Erik M. Jensen
Radical Scholars, Conservative Field: Putting Critical Tax Scholarship in Perspective
Michael A. Livingston
Race and the Federal Income Tax: Has a Disparate Impact Case Been Made
Richard Schmalbeck
Critical Tax Theory: Still Not Taken Seriously
Nancy E. Shurtz
Introduction: Internal Revenue Code
North Carolina Law Review
Tax Theory and Mere Critique: A Reply to Professor Zelenak
Nancy C. Staudt
Taking Critical Tax Theory Seriously--A Comment
Charles O. Galvin
The Supreme Court Gives an Endangered Act New Life: Bennett v. Spear and Its Effect on Endangered Species Act Reform
Deanne M. Barney