North Carolina Law Review
Volume 68, Number 5 (1990)
The Limits of Legal Objectivity
Nancy K. Rhoden
Has the Supreme Court Confessed Error on the Eleventh Amendment - Revisionist Scholarship and State Immunity
George D. Brown
The Legal Impact of the Federal Trade Commission's Holder in Due Course Notice on a Negotiable Instrument: How Clever Are the Rascals at the FTC
Michael F. Sturley
Nancy Rhoden: A Tribute to Friendship and Irreverent Intellect
Sally Burnett Sharp
Nancy Rhoden: Bridging the Disciplines of Law, Medicine, and Ethics
Watson A. Bowes Jr.
Nancy Rhoden: Teaching How to Test the Limits
Dinita L. James
United States v. Halper: Remedial Justice and Double Jeopardy
Lauren Orchard Clapp