North Carolina Law Review
Volume 53, Number 4 (1975)
Front Matter
Table of Contents -- Issue 4
North Carolina Law Review
Federal Declaratory and Injunctive Interference with State Court Proceedings: The Supreme Court and the Limits of Judicial Discretion
Ralph U. Whitten
Civil Procedure -- Opinion Interrogatories after the 1970 Amendment to Federal Rule 33(b)
Ronald Graham Baker
Private Foundations -- Redemptions of Excess Business Holdings
David R. Frankstone
Administrative Law -- FPC v. Texaco: Congress, not the Court, Should Deregulate Natural Gas Producers
Charlotte A. Cunningham
Constitutional Law -- Presidential Pardons and the Common Law
S. Elizabeth Gibson
Constitutional Law -- Procedural Due Process in Prison Disciplinary Proceedings -- The Supreme Court Responds
Thomas Warren Ross
Labor Law -- Organizational Rights of Managerial Employees
Shirley J. Wells
Public Utilities -- State Action and Informal Due Process After Jackson
Raymond M. Bernstein