North Carolina Law Review
Volume 46, Number 4 (1968)
The North Carolina Court of Appeals -- An Outline of Appellate Procedure
Thomas W. Steed Jr.
Federal Constitutional Limitations on the Enforcement and Administration of State Abortion Statutes
Roy Lucas
Domestic Relations -- Illegitimacy in North Carolina
North Carolina Law Review
Unfair Competition -- Law of Unfair Competition in North Carolina
Wallace C. Tyser Jr.
Civil Rights -- Racially Discriminatory Employment Practices Under Title VII
William H. Lewis Jr.
Constitutional Law -- Ads on Busses
Michael Kent Curtis
Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Speech in the Military
Thomas C. Nord
Corporations -- Reserved Powers and Fundamental Corporate Changes -- Protection of Minority Stockholders' Interests
Neill G. McBryde
Credit Transactions -- Knowledge and Priority Under Uniform Commercial Code Sections 9-301(1)(a) and 9-312(5)
John M. Massey
Damages -- The Not So Blessed "Blessed Event"
Richard J. Bryan
Domestic Relations -- Custody -- Evidence -- Has the Polar Star Been Obscured by Statute in North Carolina?
William J. Dockery
Evidence -- Traffic Violations to Impeach a Witness
Sarah E. Parker
Labor Law -- Decreasing Importance of Employer Motivation as an Element of Unfair Labor Practice
Donald W. Carson
Labor Law -- Extension of the Discretionary Jurisdiction of the National Labor Relations Board
Pender R. McElroy
Pleadings -- Limitations on the Reply
William S. Geimer
Taxation -- Reintroduction of the Premium Payment Plan?
James M. Miles
Torts -- Causal Relationship
James G. Billings
Torts -- Products Liability -- Is Privity Dead?
Robert A. Wicker
Trusts -- Cy Pres Enacted in North Carolina
David McDaniel Moore II