North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
In 2018, the Supreme Court struck down the federal prohibition on states’ legalization of sports gambling, enabling states to legalize and regulate the activity. As a result, numerous states have passed sports gambling legislation, making it now legal in nineteen states and the District of Columbia. However, no state regulation looks alike. Given the criminal associations of past sports gambling and the privacy and security issues imbedded in the use of sports betting technology, there is a need for strong, proactive, and consistent federal sports betting regulation, particularly as it relates to online gambling activities. This paper explores the evolution of online sports gambling policies and the gaps in the current state-by-state regulatory scheme, in addition to discussing the necessary components of a viable national solution.
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Recommended Citation
Lily Faulconer,
The Danger of Dealer's Choice: Why State-by-State Regulation of Online Sports Betting Is Not Enough,
N.C. J.L. & Tech.
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