North Carolina Journal of International Law
Front Matter
Table of Contents - Issue 1
North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
Demystification of the Swiss Banking Secrecy and Illumination of the United States-Swiss Memorandum of Understanding
Peter C. Honegger Jr.
Protection of Inventions in the Multinational Marketplace: Problems and Pitfalls in Obtaining and Using Patents
David S. Safran
Problems with Terminating the Employment of an American Executive Stationed Abroad
David G. Keyko and William D. Kerr
The Employer and the Law of Privacy in the Workplace - The U.S. Model to Date
Arthur P. Menard and Anne K. Morrill
Extraterritorial Application of the Lanham Act: American Rice, Inc. v. Arkansas Rice Growers Cooperative Ass'n.
Andrew Cogdell
First National City Bank v. Banco Para El Comercio Exterior de Cuba: Act of State and Choice of Law Aspects of Suing Foreign Governmental Corporations
Mark Anderson Finklestein
Foreign Time Deposits Become Securities: Wolf v. Banco Nacional de Mexico
Scott Richard Gorelick
Cleary v. United States Lines, Inc.: The Protections of the ADEA Held Not to Apply to American Citizens Employed Abroad
Kathleen A. O'Brien
Federal and United States Jurisdiction under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: Verlinden B.V. v. Central Bank of Nigeria
Gregory Stuart Smith
Articles/Notes and Comments
North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
Book Review/Authors of Articles
North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
Table of Cases
North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation