North Carolina Banking Institute
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2011)
Table of Contents
North Carolina Banking Institute
Home Mortgage Lending: Past, Present, and Future
Joseph A. Smith Jr.
Dodd-Frank's Requirement of Skin in the game for Asset-Backed Securities May Scalp Corporate Loan Liquidity
David Line Batty
The Dodd-Frank Act: Tarp Bailout Backlash and Too Big To Fail
Lissa Lamkin Broome
The Dodd-Frank Act: A New Deal for a New Age
Saule T. Omarova
Rating Agency Reform: Presenting the Registered Market for Asset-Backed Securities
Benjamin H. Brownlow
The Impact of Dodd-Frank on End-Users Hedging Commercial Risk in Over-the-Country Derivatives Markets
Laurin C. Ariail
The Swaps Push-Out Rule: An Impact Assessment
Christopher T. Fowler
The Volcker Rule's Unintended Consequences
Ryan K. Brissette
The Orderly Liquidation Authority: The Creditor's Perspective
Jamieson L. Hardee
Ability to Repay: Mortgage Lending Standards after Dodd-Frank
Zachary B. Marquand
Neil Barofsky's SIG TARP: Difficult, Rigorous, and Independent Oversight of the TARP
Samuel R. Diamant
Comparative Analysis of Stress Testing in the United States and Europe
Alexander Abramovich
Establishing Appropriate Liability under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
Mignon M. Arrington
A Wal-Mart-Owned ILC: Why Congress Should Give the Green Light
Charles Kabugo-Musoke