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The Prosecutors and Politics Project has compiled a database that identifies who contributed to prosecutor elections and the amount of their donations. Campaign contribution information is often publicly available, but the format of that information varies from state to state, the information is often scattered across multiple sources and the information is sometimes incomplete. The Project has compiled this fragmented data into a single nationwide database that will allow sustained study about who contributes to prosecutor campaigns and the amount of contributions.

This report summarizes and analyzes some of the data from the database. The report will be updated as more data is added to the database and analyzed. This report was last updated on June 10, 2019.


The complete data set can be found at the University of North Carolina Dataverse (

Questions about the database, this analysis, or the Prosecutors and Politics Project should be directed to Carissa Byrne Hessick at Professor Hessick is the Ransdell Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of North Carolina School of Law and the Director of the Prosecutors and Politics Project.

The Prosecutors and Politics Project is a non-partisan initiative of the University of North Carolina School of Law.

This project was made possible through a generous gift from the Vital Projects Fund, Inc.

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