Content Posted in 2025
A 60-Year March Requires Some Stretching: The Statutory Expansion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Rachel Coutinho
A Marketplace (Failure) of Ideas: Foreign Disinformation Campaigns in an Age of Generative A.I. and a Proportionality Approach to Falsehoods, Michael K. Park
A Necessary Evil: Conditional Recognition of the Taliban, Fatmeh Basma
A Noisy Debate: Should the Law Require the U.S. Census Bureau to Sacrifice Accuracy for Privacy?, Justin Giles
Antitrust’s Environmental Footprint: Redefining the Boundaries of Green Antitrust, Sandra Marco Colino
Artificial Intelligence, Trade Secrecy, and the Challenge of Transparency, John Villasenor
Artificial vs. Natural: Should AI Systems Be Named as Inventors on Patent Applications?, Hayfa Ayoubi
Autonomous Weapons, War Crimes, and Accountability, Jason Lee
Banks are "Open" for Business: Recommended Revisions to Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act, Andreas Myers
Beyond Climate: Addressing the Problem of Authoritarianism through ESG, Javier El-Hage
Buoying Statehood: The Impact of Rising Sea Levels on Statehood in International Law, Hayley Stancil
Can Bioethics Guide Governance in Public Health Emergencies? Lessons from the Pandemic, John Conley and Arlene Davis
Climate Change and Biotechnology, Donald T. Hornstein and Eli D. Hornstein
Contents, North Carolina Law Review
Contents, North Carolina Law Review
Contents, North Carolina Journal of International Law
Contents, North Carolina International Law Journal
Contents, North Carolina International Law Journal
Contents, North Carolina International Law Journal
Contractual Commitments and the Right to Change Religions, Michael A. Helfand
Cyberflashing: Public Indecency in the Digital Age, Sophia M. Vouvalis
Dead in the Water: A Critique of the Fourth Circuit’s Major Questions Analysis in North Carolina Coastal Fisheries Reform Group v. Capt. Gaston LLC, Dylan T. Silver
Digital Twins in Healthcare: Proactive Regulation to Prevent a “Runaway Train”, Brynn Story
Disability Discrimination by Clinical Algorithm, Elizabeth Pendo and Jennifer D. Oliva
Edtech in Higher Education: Protecting Student Data Privacy in the Classroom, Patricia M. Sheridan
Emerging Technology Governance in the Shadow of the Major Questions Doctrine, Jonas J. Monast
Enforcing Persistent "Smart Contracts": Admin Keys and the Myth of Decentralized Finance?, Max Parasol
Equity Crowdfunding & the Lead Investor, David Nows
ESG: More Than Just “Big” Business, Emma Elizabeth (Bessie) Antin Daschbach
Fair Admissions, Fair Decisions, and Fair Outcomes: An Analysis of Algorithmic Bias in Education, Employment, Healthcare, and Housing, McLean Waters
Fashion Forward: How Luxury Brands, Handbags, and NFTs are Shaping the Future of Trademark Law in the Metaverse and Beyond, Julia Vaughan-Jones
FDA's Accelerated Approval, Emergency Use Authorization, and Pre-Approval Access: Considerations for Use in Public Health Emergencies and Beyond, Christine Coughlin
Filling the Void: Artificial Intelligence and Private Initiatives, Keith E. Sonderling and Bradford J. Kelley
Font of Knowledge: Readability and Accessibility Challenges Caused by Typeface Requirements in North Carolina Appellate Courts, Andrew Parco
Fortune Favors the Bold-Unless You're in Rural America: Legislating the Environmental Effects of Cryptocurrency, Chloe Picchio
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Front Matter, North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Gene-Edited Crops and Food and the Bold Path Forward in U.S. Trade Agreements, Matthew Schaefer
Generating Derivatives: AI and Copyright’s Most Troublesome Right, Oren Bracha
Generative AI and Copyright Law: A Misalignment That Could Lead to the Privatization of Copyright Enforcement, John T. Kivus
Highly Automated Vehicles & Discrimination Against Low-Income Persons, William H. Widen
How to Remedy Post Covid Pandemic Setbacks in Bridging the Digital Divide, Rob Frieden
Impossibility of Emergent Works’ Protection in the U.S. and the E.U. Copyright Law, Matt Blaszczyk
Informational Public Interest, Jiawei Zhang
Interrogating Miranda’s Custody Requirement, Lauren E. Clatch
It’s Time to Rethink the Law of Armed Conflict, Joshua Andresen
Keeping Sanctions “Smart”: Calibrating U.S. Sanctions Policy to Overcome Overcompliance, Adam M. Smith and Cody M. Poplin
Laws Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates: An Overview, Dorit Rubinstein Reiss
Let’s keep this between you, me, and my cell phone: Huawei, Espionage, & International Law, Anya Hovanic
Love at First Swipe: How Dating Apps Compromise User Privacy and Data Protection, Anjali K. Purohit
Mail-Order Brides and Human Trafficking in Israel: Forced Marriage as a Form of Exploitation, Emily Zoffer
Mandatory Disclosures and Organized Backlash: A Look at Litigation That Could Determine the Future of ESG in Investing, Hana Vizcarra
Mapping Out a New Path: Why Precision Agriculture Technology is the Key to "Climate-Smart" Agriculture, Ninamarie von Nyssen
Mental Health and Social Media: Analyzing the Shift in Future Liability for Social Media Platforms, McGee Roman
Mining for Answers: Decrypting the Securities Puzzle of Cryptomining Hosting Contracts, Waleed Alkoor
New Governance and New Technologies: Creating a Regulatory Regime for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Courts, Raymond H. Brescia
No Way Home: Poland and Lithuania’s Asylum Violations in the Belarus Border Crisis, Julia Kaluta
Reality Check: Regulate or Ruin? The High-Stakes Battle for Crypto’s Future, Kareem Subei
Remote Work Tax “Fights”: Modifications to the “Convenience of the Employer” Rule, Benjamin Brown
Rethinking Bayh-Dole's Bad-Deal for the American Taxpayer Through the Lens of the NIH-Moderna Dispute, Jake Perrone
Robots in the Sky: The Need for Preemptive International Regulation of Autonomous Weaponry, Griffin Spencer
Russia’s Replacement: Kazakhstan as Europe’s Risky but Crucial New Oil Supplier Amidst EU Sanctions and Embargoes on Russian Oil, Emily Stellman
Sanctions on Steroids: The Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions, Don S. De Amicis and David P. Stewart
Sanctions Overcompliance: What, Why, and Does It Matter?, Pierre-Hugues Verdier
Seeing and Connecting the Dots: Legal Challenges to Countering Foreign Cyberattacks Launched From Within U.S. Domestic Cyberspace, Mark A. Visger
Snake Oil and Second Chances: A Legal Analysis of Political Party Switching and a Framework for Stakeholder Remedies in North Carolina, Gabrielle Schust
Sounds Good: How the Inflation Reduction Act and New EPA Regulations Mitigate the Music Streaming Industry’s Carbon Footprint, Thomas C. Hammons
Spoiling the “Fruits of Their Own Labor”: Mole’ v. City of Durham, Drew Alexander
Stop Trashing the Planet: Addressing Global Warming and Climate Change from the Perspective of Food Waste Reduction, Dorothy Chen
Strong Brand, Weak Norm: The Responsibility to Protect in Practice, Jerry Fowler
Study of the Hague System of International Design Patent Protection under the Paradigm of Global Administrative Law, Vaidehi Bachoti
Surveilling Big Tech: Navigating Censorship Concerns and Consumer Protections in Florida’s Digital Bill of Rights, Daniel C. Self
Tax Sanctions and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Andrew Hayashi and Ashley Deeks
Text and Structure in Historical Context: A Theory About the Fate of the Exclusive Treaty Power, Jonathan Williams
The Emergence of "New" Organs: A Proposal to Regulate Bioprinting Technology Under the Medical Device Framework, Brooke Siegal
The Freedom to Extract in Copyright Law, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling
The Migration of Abolition Theory, Matthew Boaz
The Military’s Constitutional Role, Brenner M. Fissell
The Non-Obvious Razor & Generative AI, Raina Haque, Simone Rose, and Nick DeSetto
The Political Sovereignty of a Colony in Outer Space, Josselin Lavigne
"The Pre-1964 Cigarette" of Today: Social Media, Predatory Online Practices, and New Advances in Children's Privacy Regulation, Catherine Ransom
The Prospect of Offshore Wind Energy According to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Sean Gaffney
The Rise of China, the United States, and the Limits of International Law, Julian G. Ku
The Telehealth "Revolution" & How It Fails to Transform Care for Undocumented Immigrants, Asees Bhasin
The U.N. Global Plastics Treaty: How Narrative Shapes Global Environmental Policy, Ruth Jebe and Susan Park
Too Many, Too Late: The NFL’s Inverse Accessibility Issue and the New RPO, Scott M. Finney
Torture and its Consequences: How Victims of the Taliban’s Acts of Torture can Hold the Taliban Responsible, Andrew Draper
Unlimited Central Bank Digital Currency: The Case for a Public Good in the Euro-area and Its Regulatory (and Deregulatory) Implications for Modern Finance, Iris H-Y Chiu and Christian Hofmann
Untangling the Extraterritorialty of ESG Regulation, Stephan Kim Park
U.S. v. Donziger: Contempt of Court or International Law?, Courtney Coppage
Vaccine Hesitancy Across Time: Legal and Policy Interventions from the Dawn of the Anti-Vaccination Movement to the Era of Social Media, Ana Santos Rutschman
Viewing the Unseen: Requesting Accommodation for Non-Visible Disabilities Under the ADA after Kelly v. Town of Abingdon, Jason Naulty
Visitation as Family Regulation, Laura Matthews-Jolly
Who Has the Authority? Opportunities for Reform in Global Health Governance, Luka Vujašković
You Can Take It With You: An Argument for Establishing a North Carolina Postmortem Right of Publicity, Weston Barker
You’ve Got Fraud: Meta’s Embrace of Fraudulent Ads and How § 230 Can Protect Us, Benjamin D. Spain